Dao of Self-Cultivation
Principles of Sitting Practices
A Live Four-Week Online Course with Dr. Paul C. Wang, DACM, LAc
Four Tuesdays, 5:00-6:30pm PST, October 4, 11, 18, 25, 2022 (Fall Dao Course)
The chaos of life can drown us in anxiety, uncertainty, debility. Self-cultivation innoculates our system against stress. It is an alchemical antidote to chronic overwhelm.
Why invest time, energy, money in creating holistic health and grounded wellness? Valuable returns include increased:
Intimacy with greater mental silence between our excess noisy thoughts
Capacity for more emotional space despite our intense messy feelings
Sense of deeper physical stillness amongst our nonstop busy activities
- Establish an inner sacred refuge even if all else falls apart.
- Develop a sovereign rhythm to calibrate yourself and influence others.
- Unleash spontaneous creativity and sensitivity to beauty.
- Enjoy your days, weeks, years as more than mere quantity of passing time.
- Enrich quality of experience by empowering each moment with intention.
- Meditate while living your life rather than separately from it.
- Find your center of balance and switch on peace anytime.
Cultivation is a practical skill we will define and refine in four focused sessions. Via clear explanations directly expressed into simple exercises, you embark upon Dao as a meaningful path of self-mastery.
Dr. Paul C. Wang is a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, California Board Licensed Acupuncturist, Sifu of WingChun, and transmitter of Dao De Gong Fa.
A practitioner and teacher of medicine, meditation, martial arts, mysticism, philosophy, astrology, calligraphy, and guqin, Dr. Wang has inspired thousands of diverse individuals in over 20 countries since 1997 with true passion and real compassion.
His engaging communication integrates traditional and modern, scientific and spiritual, theory and application, simple and complex in a useful, powerful, and meaningful way.
“I consider myself a Memetic Doctor and Cultural Acupuncturist specializing in Clinical Cosmology and Mythic Engineering.
I prescribe potent memes to shift physical burnout, emotional constipation, mental diarrhea, spiritual amnesia, and natural deficit.
The main therapeutic tools I apply are Dao Acupuncture, Alchemy, Astrology, and Art.”
Dr. Paul C. Wang
- $333/person, individual registrant
- Group discount rates:
- $300/person, two registrants
- $267/person, three or more registrants
- Payable with Cash, Check, Venmo @paulcwang, Square $paulcwang, Zelle or PayPal info@daocenter.com
- Recordings will be made available to registrants until December 31, 2022.
- Dao Courses on Self-Cultivation cycle seasonally (Winter in January, Spring in April, Summer in July, Fall in October). The next quarter on Principles of Sleeping Practices is planned for January 10, 17, 24, 31, 2023.
- For those familiar with the Dao De Gong Fa 道德功法 system, this course transmits Sitting Gong Fa 9-12. Even if you have encountered them before, every revision is a deepening expansion.