DAO: Dancing (the) Alchemy (of) Opposites

A Preliminal Intermission…

Culture lurches into a potholed crossroads paved over the very Nature it needs to nurture. Are we at a dead-end or a detour de force?

Hyperpolarization overextends an aching Center which strains to hold, to withhold violence, to behold silence. To the untrained, the norm is normal. To the entrained, an urgent universal transversal (bridging Chronos and Kairos) is in cosmic Order. It shakes the future and unmakes the past. Yet we can take Heart to steer the unsteady with wiser Hands. For responsible Ancestors peering over similar Abysses also had a knack to realize just in the knick of time the same timeless trustworthy truths many of us currently perceive and are ready to receive.

The view through this trembling threshold transforms into a mirror mirage shattering our illusions or nightmarish terrors. Such a death of delusion — a deluge of space devoid of refuge — opens a potent portal for wide-eyed rebirth and perhaps even eventually protopian mirth. One that is conceived from within and achieved for without. Meanwhile, wailing unswaddled, limbs flailing, swimming in incontinent incompetence at the NICU, we know not where nor why we are.

Fortunately, in every age some sages still had sufficient spiritual immunity to withstand (d)amnesia and invisibly withdrew to gestate Amrita. Well tended by the fertile dew of holy breath, their hidden force fields perennially fruit the immortal Elixir anathema to the anti-human, anti-biotic, anti-animate. The Masters cannot forget and always forgive, so never mind to remind us to remember the sacred in the profane, the mundane as the divine, the nonbeing becoming the being from whom all doings unfold until too many to-dos churn us to burn-out, burn-down, give-up, give-in…

If the intoxicants of life have left you hungover, unquenched, stumbling, mumbling, fumbling, numbed, humbled, well then welcome home! To the Way, to the Word, to the Logos, to the Lord, to the Dao, to the Wow, to the Now. How? Yes you, nay your story, got knocked, socked, rocked, clocked, locked, blocked, shocked. No, it is not too late to log back onto the Mystery. Drown in the unknown to be shown dreams beyond the known zone. As long as you are aware, you can awake anew.

Thus, you are invited to an alchemical, journey, system, tradition, lineage…

Alchemy: Weave the threads of Philosophy, Psychology, Physiology. Synergize the consciousness of Science, Spirit, Skill, Source. Presence the archetypes of Mystic, Sage, Healer, Warrior, Shaman.

Journey: Every ending brings you closer to the next start of your novel self. The process is perpetual into perpetuity. And we are all cultivating. Either unconsciously cultivating unhealthy mindsets, beliefs, habits. Or consciously cultivating healthy intentions, emotions, actions.

System: It is easy when everything is clear and according to plan. Are you prepared when darkness disrupts and disorder erupts? You can struggle to orient yourself after you get lost. Or hone navigational skills before things go awry. There are useful maps and practical tools that are time-tested and available.

Tradition: Discover efficient strategies and effective methodologies that though ancient are proven relevant regardless of place, person, period. The key is translating and adapting them for our post-modern, high-tech, low-peace society.

Lineage: Information is insufficient. The living transmission between spiro-psycho-emo-bio-eco-social humans is indispensable for optimal learning. Books, videos, AI are at best supplements but lack holistic interaction and heartful care.

Watch orientation video to learn about Daology.


Twice a month live, online, alchemical transmissions of Daological memes (hierotropic doses of probiotic meaning) by Dr. Paul C. Wang, DACM, LAc to help you navigate the intense highs and challenging lows of life cycles.


Why not just drift along and go with the mainstream? Why instead invest scarce time, energy, money into deliberately cultivating self-care, self-worth, self-mastery?

Because no matter where you go, what you do, who you’re with, all your undigested karma, trauma, drama stains everything. No matter how buried. Especially when buried!

Since the world is our reciprocal emanation, for external change, we must intimately, recursively, progressively, excavate our internal landscapes. It is not completely shadowy, scary, heavy, painful, onerous. Yes there are festering wounds to heal but also invaluable treasures to unearth, insights to celebrate, and potentials to resurrect:

  • Trust yourself more
  • Strengthen your center
  • Smoothen energy flow
  • Deepen stillness states
  • Dissolve stale patterns
  • Grow emotional capacity
  • Mend inner fragmentation
  • Balance diverse dualities
  • Transform outer destiny
  • Practice integral being
  • Presence unconditional love
  • Benefit relationship quality (intrapersonal and interpersonal)


Every symptom you suffer is also a symbol signifying existential overwhelm. This is not a cursed malfunction but rather a blessed function of our biological intelligence. Sadly we often do not heed its warnings but rather push, press, pull further.

Step away from the blind grind to find solace. Schedule in these nutrient dense gatherings to feed your soul, inspire your breath, enrich your days:

  • 9-10am PST (USA Pacific Standard Time)
  • 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month
  • Starting November 13, 2024 to February 25, 2026 (Curriculum 1: 32 Transmissions of Nei Gong, Daology Wheel C)


Open to anyone interested in a systematic program of self-care cultivation; especially to those who have studied various teachings, styles, modalities but need support integrating, simplifying, customizing into a sustainable daily practice.


  • Monthly tuition due by first session each month (2nd Wednesday)
  • Standard Tuition: $180/month ($6/day = regular rate)
  • Supported Tuition: $120/month ($4/day = self-selected discount rate for those with lower income and financial need)
  • Supporter Tuition: $240/month ($8/day = pay-it-forward donation rate for those with monetary abundance and altruistic empathy)
  • Please email info@daocenter.com for payment plans and/or scholarships if the above is beyond your means and you are dedicated to join.
  • Payment Options:
    • Venmo @paulcwang
    • Zelle info@daocenter.com
    • Square $paulcwang


“After investing 27 years, over $400,000 so far, $2K per month ongoing, and countless hours training with experts, treating thousands of patients, and teaching students in two dozen countries, I formulated, tested, and refined my Martial (Self-Protection), Medical (Self-Healing), Mystical (Self-Realization) experiences into Daology.

I am a Memetic Healer and Cultural Alchemist specializing in Clinical Cosmology and Mythopoetic Engineering. I apply meaning and meditation as medicine to shift physical burnout, emotional constipation, mental diarrhea, spiritual amnesia, and natural dysrhythmia.

My main services are Dao Alchemy (for Self-Transformation), Dao Acupuncture (for Self-Harmony), Dao Astrology (for Self-Awareness) consultations by appointment (info@daocenter.com).”

— Dr. Paul C. Wang, DACM, LAc

  • Doctorate of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (DACM), ACTCM
  • Masters of Science in Traditional Chinese Medicine (MSTCM), ACTCM
  • Bachelors of Science in Integrative Biology, UC Berkeley
  • Licensed Acupuncturist (LAc), California Acupuncture Board
  • Instructor of Balance Method Acupuncture
  • Transmitter of Dao De Gong Fa
  • Creator at Daology Podcast
  • Founder of Dao Center
  • Sifu of WingChun

Contact: info@daocenter.com



The traditional requirements to cultivate properly are summarized in the Chinese idiom 法財呂地:

: Correct methods and models
Cái: Adequate finances and ability
: Supportive associates and community
: Suitable environment and position

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